Objects in Metal

Objects in metal in Africa, are created by both the blacksmith and the metalsmith.
Either by forging iron or by casting metal by the lost wax technique, both smiths have an important role in African society.
Blacksmiths or “forgerons”, possess a high degree of knowledge in the manipulation of metal and their supernatural powers.
They are highly respected for their skill to create a diversity of objects in metal.
His capacity and expertise extend themselves into the practice of medicine and the preparation of special herbs and roots.
The blacksmith skills to create objects in metal include tools, weapons, staffs, music instruments and ritual objects.
The blacksmith is also the carver of masks.
The metalsmith will use other techniques and methods to create objects in metal.
The two techniques that he will employ are those of mold casting and the technique of lost wax casting.
In both of these instances, casting is the act of pouring a material in liquid state into the cavity of a mold.
In Africa, for objects in metal cast using the technique of mold casting, first a model is created in wood.
Moist clay will be used to make a mold of the wood model. Once the clay has hardened, liquid copper alloy metal is poured into the mold. Once the metal has cooled and hardened, the object will be released. It can then be given the desired shape through forging.
This is one of the methods in which objects in metal are cast.
The other method used in Africa is the lost wax technique.
This method offers greater possibilities to create more complex and more detailed metal pieces.
Various metals such as brass, bronze, copper, copper alloy, aluminium and gold are used.


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